19 Parkway Avenue, Markham | Saturday August 27, 2022 | 1-5PM | FREE
What are your kids doing after school?
15+ Locally-Owned Markham Businesses offering after-school activities all in one place, ready to answer all your questions
19 Parkway Avenue, Markham Ontario (Map)
Saturday August 27, 2022 | 1-5PM
Free Coupon for a child scoop gelato for the first 100 kids from Love Gelato!
Local Businesses and Organizations
What is the Markham After-School Activities Fair?
It’s a one-afternoon event where you can discover a whole bunch (a very mathematically accurate descriptor) of local businesses that offer after-school activities for your children.
Why did you organize this?
Maybe your kid is still exploring their options, or maybe you want to try something new. The fair is a great time to discover the many options of after-school activities available in Markham, all in one place!
Is this a free event?
Yes! This is a free event, for both attendees and businesses. Businesses are not charged to exhibit at this event.
Why 19 Parkway as the event venue?
19 Parkway is home to Grace Anglican Church. They have a large parking lot, plenty of space, and have graciously allowed our organizers to run the event.
This event is not affiliated with Grace Anglican Church, and is not affiliated with any religious organization.
How can I become an exhibitor?
Please fill out this form, and we’ll be in contact!
Who is organizing this event?
Ray Lai is the primary organizer for this event, which is in its 3rd year.
I still have questions!
Sure thing! Email ray at ray+asaf@raylai.ca